Guiding Beliefs
Statement Of faith
We Believe
Faith & values
we believe
We believe the Bible to be God’s word to man. It is perfect and free of any mistakes.
we believe
We believe that there is one true God, who exists in three persons. He is the creator of all things and the redeemer of mankind. He exists as God the Father, God the Son in the person of Jesus Christ, and God the Spirit.
we believe
We believe God created man as male and female. Man fell into sin by his own will and is completely dependent on God for life and salvation.
we believe
We believe that salvation is from the Lord and is offered freely to all mankind. It comes only through faith in Jesus Christ.
we believe
We believe that the work of salvation is all of God’s work and none of man’s.
we believe
We believe the church is the body of Christ and is expressed as autonomous local congregations all over the world for the purpose of making disciples.
we believe
We believe that all Christians observe the two ordinances of the church, which are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
we believe
Baptism is the immersion of believers in water signifying their forgiveness of sins, union with Christ, and newness of life.
we believe
The Lord’s Supper is taking of bread and the fruit of the vine for the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.
we believe
We believe that God in His own time and way will bring the world to a right end. Jesus Christ will physically return to earth at that time. The world will be judged and all Christians will be brought to live together with the Lord in Heaven forever.
Guiding principles
Our statement of faith
Hillcrest is a Southern Baptist Church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We affirm the statement of faith as published in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Connect with us
We have two campuses in Pensacola, one at the corner of 9 Mile Road and Guidy Lane, and the other at Spanish Trail and Summit Boulevard. Both locations meet Sunday mornings for Worship Celebration, and offer family activities on Wednesday nights and throughout the week. We are confident there is an area of ministry for you.